Sunday, October 7, 2007

Parting is such sweet sorrow...

Today was my last day to say goodbye to everyone at church...and it was probably the hardest thing I have ever done. My roots at home have been planted very deeply, and its going to really hurt having those roots placed in LA...

As excited as I am, I'm finding that it is much harder than I would have thought. Saying goodbye to my good friends was very difficult for myself and for them. I really love them all so much, and I hope that our friendships will be sharpened and that my leaving will bring us closer together in the end.

I know that it is God's plan for me to go, so I'm not second-guessing it at all...I just wish it wasn't so hard...but I know that the Lord is testing my will in this matter, and that I will come out the better from this experience. And after all, I will be back at Christmas, so its not too long!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Hey Tim...yes i agree parting is such sweet sorrow..but remember this is not goodbye in the words of Tim..i will see soon my friend:)